As a professional Feng Shui consultant, I bring
many years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to each consultation.
I use a practical, common-sense approach combined with careful consideration
of the needs of each client. I conduct all consultations in a caring,
positive, and professional manner, often resulting in remarkable outcomes!
My clients consistently report a high level of satisfaction
and benefits as a result of their consultation experience.
What type of Feng Shui do you practice?
Throughout years of study and practice, I have personally
found the Compass and Form school methods of Feng Shui to be the most
effective. My approach to Feng Shui relies on common sense and practical,
easy–to–apply suggestions.
What does a Feng Shui consultation include?
All consultations include detailed, practical, and
easy-to-implement suggestions involving:
How much will the Feng Shui consultation
cost, and how long does it take?
The fee for a consultation is based on a hourly rate.
Most consultations take between one and two hours, depending on the
size of the space and what needs to be addressed during the appointment.
When should I have a consultation?
A good time for a consultation is when you are buying,
building or selling your home or business, doing any kind of remodeling,
when your life, business, or general well-being needs improvement,
or when you are thinking of making any kind of large-scale interior
or exterior changes.
What do we talk about?
Working with your design preferences, we discuss
arrangements of objects, art, furniture, and textiles for optimal
energy flow.
What size space can employ Feng Shui principles?
All environments and any size space, from a studio
apartment to a large industrial park, can benefit from Feng Shui.
Will the suggestions be expensive?
No. Most of the changes are very inexpensive and
non-invasive, and usually involve using items you already own.
Will I have to decorate my space with items and
colors I am not comfortable with?
Absolutely not. We always work with your design preferences
and personal taste.
Will I see results right away?
Some clients do. Others take longer. It is important
to remember that Feng Shui is not an exact science, nor can it solve
all our life’s problems. However, the results a client achieves
are directly proportional to the amount of time, effort and energy
they put into creating an optimal environment.
Is my information confidential?
Absolutely. All information we share is kept in the
strictest confidence with respect for your privacy.